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About Us

We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company and have been maintaining high standards of quality and after-sales service since 1985. We are certified by Government of India for sales and service of RO systems and Water Purifiers. We also have registered trademark. Our corporate identity number is U31909 RJ 2007 PT CO 24625.

The company manufactures R.O. system and water Purifiers for domestic, industrial, & commercial segments. We design, manufacture, and install customized systems to meet our clients' requirements. We have supplied more than 5000 plants in households and more than 500 plants have been installed in various institutions like Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Hotels, Corporate offices, and Industries.

We apply state-of- the-art technologies and equipments to assist our engineers in the selection and designing of the effective R.O. systems as per the requirement (for various levels of raw water to be treated) We have wide range of products for domestic, industrial & commercial segments as well as accessories, components fittings etc. for above.