24/36 W
8-10 LTR
15 LPH
Wall Mounted
D10.1 x W12.0 x H16.0 Inch.
It decreases turbidity. It removes microscopic Impurities. This is re-washable filter. It can be used up to 1 year.
Absorbs harmful organic chemical such as Chlorine and VOC's pesticides from feed water. GAC in this filter is acid-rinsed carbon.
Pre-carbon Filter removes chlorine and inorganic impurities. It also absorbs the taste and odour. Carbon filtering that uses a piece of activated carbon to remove contaminants and impurities, utilizing chemical adsorption.
Reduces sediment particles such as dirt and sand down to 5 Micron or larger size from water. Sediment Filter removes suspended particles such as dust, grid, dirt and sudge from water.
Reverse Osmosis is a process that will remove virtually all unwanted chemicals and pollutants from your drinking water. Through this process water is forced under pressure against a membrane with very small (microscopic) holes. Only pure water can pass through these holes and longer pollutants are flushed to the drain.
The Alkaline filter changes the acidic RO water into a perfect Natural Alkaline Calcium Ionizes water. The alkaline filtration will reduce acidity in the body and it will produce natural calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium
Ultra filtration is a separation process using membranes with pore size is the range of 0.1 to 0.001 micron. Typically,U.F. will remove high molecular-weight substance, colloidal materials and inorganic polymeric molecules.
In the developing world, 80% diseases are water-related. The World Health Organization states that the provision of safe water alone will reduce diarrheal diseases by up to 50%. Also, as a result of pollution, the water you drink may contain heavy metals and iron rust which boiling cannot remove. These metals can hamper the mental development in children. Boiling is not the answer as it does not remove harmful contaminants that water purification can.
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